Enrique --

...and then Enrique de la Torre said...
% Hi...


% Later I tried,
% message-hook '~f ^girlfriends-email-address' `mpg123 filename.mp3`
% but, mutt played the song just at the begining, before it shows pager
% screen!! 

This is not unexpected, actually; mutt parses your muttrc file and sees
that you want to insert the output of this command every time this hook
takes effect, so it runs the command to trap the output.

% My last try was:
% message-hook '~f ^girlfriends-email-address' '`mpg123 filename.mp3`' 
%            I dont know why I tried it, but It seemed to work. Not

This worked because you protected the `` to run mpg123 with a layer of
quotes so that it gets processed when the hook is called.  You should
probably have also been able to have

  message-hook '~f ^girlfriends-email-address `mpg123 filename.mp3`' 

with equal success.

% really, because it played the song right, just at time. But mutt
% process seems to go to background, while mpg123 get the control. I
% tried with several "&" but didnt work. Not even in a shell script...

Hmmm...  That is a tricky one.  So you tried something like

  message-hook '~f ^girlfriends-email-address `mpg-gf-script`' 

where mpg-gf-script kicks off mpg123 in the background and immediately
exits and it still waited?

If $display_filter doesn'thelp, you could try David Champion's mime-type
hack from the rot13 thread (where, it seems, display_filter was introduced
to many of us!) and then handle it through mime processing...

%                  Well, 
%                       thanks all, I hope you could help me...
%                                     Enrique
% Excuse my poor english.... ;)

Certainly; please excuse my non-existent spanish (or portugese, perhaps,
or ...)!

% -- 
% Nombre: Enrique de la Torre

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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