Enrique de la Torre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 09/26/2001:
> maybe it's a strange question, but i'd like to listen to a
> song, mp3, while i'm reading my girlfriend's mails ;)

*Maybe* it's a strange question?  ;) Is that to alert her that
you're reading her mail when she's in the next room?

> I could use a keybinding, but I want to listen to it
> immediately, no more.
> So I suppose I have to write 
> `mpg123 /mp3/xxxxxxxxxxxx`
> somewhere in my .muttrc file.

I'd do this with a macro.  Something like:

macro index <Return> "|maybeplayer; <display-message>"

where maybeplayer is a shell script looks like:


if grep '^From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]' >/dev/null; then
  mpg123 -q song.mp3 &  # whatever the "quiet" option is

It needs tweaking, but that's the basic idea, I think.


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