[22.09.01 07:37 +0200] Byrial Jensen <-- :
> Right, I already posted the recognized syntyx:
> From [<return-path>] <wday> <month> <day> <time> [<zone>] <year>
> The timezone in the example is badly placed after the year. It is
> recognized by Mutt anyway as Mutt currently does not test for garbage
> after the year, but I would not count on that bug not being fixed.
> > Does doing that work? (Instead of re-arranging every single From_ line,
> > you can prolly just copy an existing one, BTW. I've done this once or
> > twice while recovering Pine mailboxes without any apparent ill effects.)
> The time stamp in From_ line is used as the receive time. It can be
> displayed in the index and used for sorting and searching etc. If
> you make all receice times the same, these thing will not be useful.
Hey thanks all, I finally got it working.
I <--- was just tooo stupid blind to see all <--- that was messed.
Now I ran the whole stuff through sed and it works perfect.
Thanks again for all your patience. Seems, that sometimes it is
not enough to push my nose directly to the right line but add some
light hits to the back of the head to activate the brain (as we
Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name