Thanks for all your suggestions, here the results:

running file on it returns: ASCII English text
(file ~/Mail/archive/postponed returns the same)
(file ~/Mail/archive/mutt returns ASCII mail text)
but both are recognized as mail files by vim and mutt

cat -vET only shows the $ after every last word in a line
(the postponed archive too)

These are the headers in real, anonymized of course:
-------- snip --- this is the very first line -----------
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun, 26 Aug 2001 02:46:52 -0500
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 02:46:52 -0500
Subject: [Newbie] RE:  Subject line here

message here.

Name of Sender

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:16:46 -0400
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:16:46 -0400
From: First Name [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Newbie]Next subject line

message here.
--------- snap --- and so on ---------------------------

The only differences between my normal mutt headers are:
1. the From: email adress is in <> if a name is preceeding
2. a time "indicator" like GMT missing but this is not necessary
3. the From line has a , after the day and mine is without
4. there are no Length: and Lines: in it

I took the first two message (shorter than the whole file) and
I tried to insert those, but still no success.
I tried to add some other headers you would normally see, negative.
I tried to insert Lines: <number counted>, no success.
I copied my postponed file in front of it, no success.

Any other ideas what could be the reason? (I know Lenght: is not
yet tried, but how would I get that for one message in an mbox?)
In that case I guess it would be easier to make myself a little
sed wrapper for searching the file instead of thinking a mailing
list archive has anything to do with a mail client ;))

Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
mutters: insert vowels of last name

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