> > Another question I have is about using vim for writing
> > e-mails.  I have successfully been able to setup vim
> > to wrap at 80 or so...
> the easiest way i know of is typing:
> gqip
> which will reformat the current paragraph.
> gqap reformats all paragraphs i think.  quoting and stuff
> will be preserved as long as '>' is set in 'comments' in
> your .vimrc or in the systemwide vimrc (this is the default)

Can you expand on this please ?? Specifically the "as long as
'>' is set in 'comments' ". I use 'par' myself and it usually
does just fine. On occasion though, I've seen it do this to a

> this is an example of what 'par' has  > done to a paragraph
and I'm pretty sure > that it shouldn't have ;-)


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