> Is there any way to have mutt default to either the inbox on startup,
> or default to a folder that has new mail in it?

you can default to a specific mailbox with:
mutt -f mailbox

you can have mutt open the first mailbox in 'mailboxes' that has new
mail with:
mutt -Z

so you could alias mutt to "mutt -Z" in your shell configuration file.

these two command line options are listed right at the top of the
proverbial 'FM'
> Another question I have is about using vim for writing e-mails.  I
> have successfully been able to setup vim to wrap at 80 or so
> characters.  However, if I edit the message, the word wrapping is not
> preserved.  For example, if I were to edit my first question above and
> add two or three words to it, the line would extend past 80 chars and
> not wrap unless I manually edit it.  Is there a solution for this?

the easiest way i know of is typing:
which will reformat the current paragraph.

gqap reformats all paragraphs i think.  quoting and stuff will be
preserved as long as '>' is set in 'comments' in your .vimrc or in the
systemwide vimrc (this is the default)

i miss the normal way of doing things sometimes, but usually gqip is
more flexible and useful. it's very useful for reformatting other
peoples' paragraphs correctly and at the same width as your own text.


Sintax error in config file! (line 378)

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