On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 06:46:08AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> % is it possible to include an attachment into mails automatically
> % (like a signature) ?
> Let's see, here...  Back in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Adam
> Lazur asked if anyone had such a thing, and I haven't seen any reply.
> That might be enough to get you started, though; I vaguely recall
> that creating the Attach: header by hand will attach a file (yep, just
> tested it).

cool!  I didn't know that.  So all you need to do is add a my_hdr
Attach: /path/to/file to your .muttrc, and it'll auto-attach that file
to every message.  nice.

Mutt rocks.

Dan Boger

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