Melissa --

...and then melissa ion kibbe said...
% Hello,


% I am having difficulty finding the documentation on how to edit the
% 'reply description', in which the mailer prints out something to the
% effect of "on such-and-such a date so-and-so wrote --"  I would like to

It's called the "attribution string", it's controlled by $attribution,
and it's found at 6.3.14 of the manual (you can probably pull it up by
hitting F1 right now).

% change the default on this, and I am pretty sure it is possible, but I

Just about anything is possible with mutt ;-)

% am having difficulty finding documentation on it.  I would appreciate
% any help.  Please cc me as I am not subscribed to the list as of this writing.

Well, hurry up and sign up! :-)

% thanks in advance,
% melissa.
% -- 
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%      "I'll rob that rich person and give it  
%                                     to some poor deserving slob.
% GAT d--@ -p+ c+++(++++) l++         That will *prove* I'm Robin Hood."
% u+ e+(*) m* s n+(---) h- f+           -- Daffy Duck, "Robin Hood Daffy"
% !g w+++ t++(+++) r+ x+

I haven't seen this in a while!  For reference:

Version: 3.1
GCS/IT/CM !d-? s:>- a C++$ USLBVH+++$>++++ P++>++++$ L++>+++$ !E--- W++$ 
N+(+++)>$ o+>++$ K w(--) !O- !M-(--) V-(--) !PS+++(+) PE++(+) Y+ PGP+++ t+ 
!5(+) !X !R !tv b+++>$ DI++++>$ !D- G e++ h r+++ y++++>*

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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