I am having difficulty finding the documentation on how to edit the
'reply description', in which the mailer prints out something to the
effect of "on such-and-such a date so-and-so wrote --"  I would like to
change the default on this, and I am pretty sure it is possible, but I
am having difficulty finding documentation on it.  I would appreciate
any help.  Please cc me as I am not subscribed to the list as of this writing.

thanks in advance,

http://web.morgul.net/~atomic      "I'll rob that rich person and give it  
                                    to some poor deserving slob.
GAT d--@ -p+ c+++(++++) l++         That will *prove* I'm Robin Hood."
u+ e+(*) m* s n+(---) h- f+           -- Daffy Duck, "Robin Hood Daffy"
!g w+++ t++(+++) r+ x+
                                   "A mathematician is a device for turning 
                                    coffee into theorems."
                                      -- P. Erdos

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