Am Mit, 12 Sep 2001, schrieb Justin R. Miller:
> I send my mail with Mutt and I always sign it with GnuPG. That results
> in the message going out as two (or more) parts -- the message, and the
> signature. Both have a 'Content-Disposition: inline' header, which I
> take it means that the MUA is supposed to display the attachment inline,
> since both are of type text/plain.
> Anyway, I just got a mail from a user on a rather low-tech mailing list
> complaining that all of my mail comes up blank with two attachments --
> the two parts mentioned above. She's using:
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.3018.1300
> I'll bet my life savings on which one of us has the real problem :-D
> Regardless, I was wondering if anyone would be able to confirm for me
> what exactly that is?
Well you are right. She's the one with a non RFC-compatible mailer.
But this won't help you as most of the people round there are using
exactly this MUA.
By default Mutt uses PGP/MIME for signing and encrypting Messages as
described in RFC 1847. But most of the windows mailers (alle except
Eudora I think) cannot deal with PGP/Mime, so they will get an empty
message with two attachments. If you save these attachments to a
file, you'll be able to check the signature and read them using some
functions of PGP's GUI, but this means much effort.
What are possible solutions to this problem:
- If you know, what MUA the person you are in contact with is
using, you can use the old-style PGP format that is understood
e.g. by MS OE. I defined some macros in my muttrc to do so
macro compose S "Fgpg --clearsig=on\nj^T^Utext/plain; format=text; x-action=sign\n"
macro compose E "Fgpg -a -e -s\nj^T^Utext/plain; format=text; x-action=encrypt\n"
- And messages to mailing lists I do not sign or encrypt normally.
Signing is not as useful there as in private or business
communication and you can reduce the size of your messages and
also avoid trouble
Christoph Maurer - Paul-Röntgen-Straße 7 - D - 52072 Aachen
On my Homepage: SuSE 7.0 on an Acer Travelmate 508 T Notebook