Ed --

...and then Edward Peschko said...
% hey, 


% I was wondering if mutt was flexible enough to do the following:

With mutt you get flexibility like you never imagined :-)

%       I want to sort by thread, but I want the newest threads listed first
% (as #1 == newest #2 == second newest, etc). However, inside the thread, I want
% it reverse ordered - so it looks like this:
%       1 <thread one> (dated Jun 1)
%               2 reply to thread one (dated Jun 2)
%               3) reply to thread one (dated Jun 3)
%               3) reply to thread one (dated Jun 4)
%               3) reply to thread one (dated Jun 5)
%       1 <thread two> (dated Jun 2)
%               2 reply to thread two (dated Jun 2)
%               3) reply to thread two (dated Jun 3)
% In other words, I want to see the newest threads, and be able to page through 
% them in *order* (as per nn).

I left all of this in because I'm not sure I get your meaning.  You ask
to have the newest thread first, and I assume 'first' means 'at the top',
but your example thread dated Jun 2 is below your example dated Jun 1.

Anyway, you might be able to set sort=threads and sort-aux=reverse-threads
with some good results.  I haven't tried it...

% In addition, I'd like the ability to collapse threads, the ability to have 

That's easy; just hit esc-v to collapse/uncollapse the current thread (or
esc-V for the whole mailbox).

% a thread 'tagged' if it has new stuff in it, and the ability to start off 

Given the default index_format, your display will change from something

     8024 N   Sep 06 Will Yardley    (  61) [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ico
  -> 8025     Sep 06 Dave Spracklen  (  11) Color
     8026     Sep 06 Ken Weingold    (  20) `->
     8027     Sep 06 Tim Whitehead   (  51)   `->
     8028     Sep 06 Denis Perelyubs (  31)     `->
     8029     Sep 06 Tim Whitehead   (  59)       `->
     8030     Sep 06 Denis Perelyubs (  43)         `->
     8031     Sep 06 Will Yardley    (  23)           |->
     8032     Sep 06 Thomas Dickey   (  23)           | `->
     8033     Sep 06 David Champion  (  30)           |->
     8034     Sep 06 Denis Perelyubs (  25)           | |->
     8035     Sep 06 Thomas Dickey   (  21)           | `->
     8036 N   Sep 06 David Champion  (  38)           |   `->
     8037 N   Sep 06 Thomas Dickey   (  41)           |     `->
     8038 N   Sep 06 David Champion  (  18)           |       `->
     8039 N   Sep 06 Thomas Dickey   (  26)           |         `->
     8040     Sep 06 Tim Whitehead   (  67)           `->
     8041 N   Sep 06 Denis Perelyubs (  90)             `->
     8042     Sep 06 Louis LeBlanc   (  38) Wierd mbox/IMAP behavior
     8043     Sep 06 Brendan Cully   (  58) `->
     8044     Sep 06 Louis LeBlanc   (  56)   `->

     8024 N   Sep 06 Will Yardley    (  61) [[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ico
  -> 8025 n   Sep 06 Dave Spracklen  >#017< Color
     8042     Sep 06 Louis LeBlanc   >#003< Wierd mbox/IMAP behavior

Note the line count changing to the number of messages in the thread, and
note the little 'n' instead of the single-message 'N' to indicate new
mail in the thread.

% where I was done reading a thread if it *does* get new stuff in it. And I'd

That's easy, too.  Given the above, if those new messages show up and
you simply hit return on the collapsed head, you'll jump straight to the
first new message in the thread, and your display will look something like

  -*-Mutt: =F.mutt [Msgs:8074 New:5959 Post:5 Inc:14 
     8035     Sep 06 Thomas Dickey   (  21)           | `->Re: Color
  -> 8036 N   Sep 06 David Champion  (  38)           |   `->
     8037 N   Sep 06 Thomas Dickey   (  41)           |     `->
  -N  - 8036/8074: David Champion         Re: Color                     -- 
  Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 18:07:20 -0500
  From: David Champion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

% like the ability for the starting of the thread to show up in the thread proper,
% not as part of a separate thread (ie: <subject> and Re: <subject> are in the
% same thread, not other threads.

You can handle that with $reply_regexp to define all of the ways something
could be recognized as a reply.  I have mine set as

  reply_regexp="^(re:|fw:|update:|summary:|summary)[ .]*"

(from the days of another list where problem summaries would be sent as
followups once the answers came in).  See the manual for more.

% HOw much of this can mutt do? If it can do this stuff, could someone point me
% to some docs on how to configure mutt properly to do this? (I looked through the
% sample .muttrcs, without luck)

Try the mutt manual itself (though the muttrc files you can find
linked from the web site show some really cool tricks and ideas).
If you have mutt installed and haven't mucked with it, simply hitting
F1 ought to take you to it.  It's usually installed somewhere like
/usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.doc or so.

I see that you're using mutt 1.0.1, so the man page and manual at the web
site (www.mutt.org) will reference some things that you don't have; it's
for mutt 1.2.5, the current released version.  There is also (numbered
linux kernel style, with even minor numbers for production releases)
the development version, currently at, with even more stuff;
it is expected to turn into 1.4 soon.  You might surf over to the web
site and download a copy to practice building the latest version so that
you can go straight to 1.4 when it is released.

% Thanks much,


% Ed

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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