I was wondering if mutt was flexible enough to do the following:
I want to sort by thread, but I want the newest threads listed first
(as #1 == newest #2 == second newest, etc). However, inside the thread, I want
it reverse ordered - so it looks like this:
1 <thread one> (dated Jun 1)
2 reply to thread one (dated Jun 2)
3) reply to thread one (dated Jun 3)
3) reply to thread one (dated Jun 4)
3) reply to thread one (dated Jun 5)
1 <thread two> (dated Jun 2)
2 reply to thread two (dated Jun 2)
3) reply to thread two (dated Jun 3)
In other words, I want to see the newest threads, and be able to page through
them in *order* (as per nn).
In addition, I'd like the ability to collapse threads, the ability to have
a thread 'tagged' if it has new stuff in it, and the ability to start off
where I was done reading a thread if it *does* get new stuff in it. And I'd
like the ability for the starting of the thread to show up in the thread proper,
not as part of a separate thread (ie: <subject> and Re: <subject> are in the
same thread, not other threads.
HOw much of this can mutt do? If it can do this stuff, could someone point me
to some docs on how to configure mutt properly to do this? (I looked through the
sample .muttrcs, without luck)
Thanks much,