On 08/07/01 03:18 PM, Cedric Duval sat at the `puter and typed:
> Hi Zack, David, Andre, Ken, Chris and Louis  :-)
> Here is the patch to edit threads.
> Two new commands to achieve this:
> * link-threads (bound by default to &).
>   To connect replies to a mail, tag these replies and go onto the
>   "parent" message. Then hit the & (link-threads) key.
> * break-thread (bound by default to #).
>   To make a new thread from a subthread, go onto the message where it
>   has to be broken. Then hit the # key.
> (The changes will appear when you resync the mailbox)
> I would be glad if you could do some testing, or bring some suggestions.
> (ask me if you need help patching Mutt)
> If no issue arises, I will soon propose this patch to the mutt-dev list,
> keeping my fingers crossed that this feature will be considered useful!
> Thanks,
> Cedric.
> PS: I still have to write a small section for the Mutt manual. Not my
>     prefered part of the work, since I'm not a fluent writer in English!
>     No one interested? Never mind, I get down to work!  ;-)

Ok, Cedric.  Sorry it took me so long to get any feedback to you but
here it is:
I am using the latest mutt (1.3.21_2) port on FreeBSD 4.3 PreRelease.
I took your patch file and broke it down into the attached patches to
be dropped as is into the ports files directory along with the other
patches.  No other mods needed.

Anyway, I realize your patch was intended for 1.3.20, but I hadn't any
opportunity to play with it until I convinced myself to upgrade mutt.
But that's neither here nor there.

I got the patches applied clean right from the port makefile, so it
came off pretty well.  The other build options I applied are as


As well as the default port and FreeBSD patches, of course.

Now for the details.  It works great.  Exactly as I expected.  Except
for one thing.  It seems either function doesn't apply itself unless I
also happen to be deleting another message in the same folder.  If I do,
everything comes up threaded as expected.  Here is what I've done:

select a subthread head (a single message in the middle of a thread)
and hit '#' to break it.  The message comes up, but if I hit '$' to
sync the mailbox, nothing changes.  If I change mailboxes and come
back, nothing is changed.  If I then delete a message, nothing
changes.  If I delete a message before changing folders, then sync, it
all works.

The same behavior is demonstrated with link-thread, I tag the head of
the rogue thread and then move the select arrow to the message I want
it to hang off of, then hit '&'.  Same apply behavior is shown.

I realize this may be because I applied a 1.3.20 patch to 1.3.21, and
a clean patch and build can't guarantee clean behavior, but I thought
this might at least help you get it ready for 1.3.21 more easily.

Thanks for the effort!  I have followed all the 'main branch
submission' controversy that has been flowing around, and personally,
I'd like to see it set up as an available patch (especially for
FreeBSD make options like I used above - hint hint to David O'Brien,
who maintains the port :).

Louis LeBlanc       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fully Funded Hobbyist, KeySlapper Extrordinaire :)
http://acadia.ne.mediaone.net                 ԿԬ


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