Judging from the lack of response, I guess I'm the only one using
fcc-save-hooks with this problem... I finaly found the solution.
default_hook definately doesn't do what I want, or doesn't work with
fcc-save-hooks. My solution (using the example bellow) is to use:
fcc-save-hook "!~p ~t bob@whatever" =people/bob.lastname
fcc-save-hook "!~p ~t joe@whatever" =people/joe.lastname
fcc-save-hook "~f bob@whatever" =people/bob.lastname
fcc-save-hook "~f joe@whatever" =people/joe.lastname
The To: field will be matched first (if we're not in the To: field also),
otherwise, the From: field will be used. Since the matching is sequential,
we have to put all the ~t matches first, and then do the same thing with
the ~f. I used to have about 100 fcc-save-hooks, and with this solution, I
now have double that. I just don't see a more elegant way of using
fcc-save-hooks properly.
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 11:29:14AM -0400, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> I'm getting a little discouraged that I can't get this to work... Here's
> my latest default_hook:
> set default_hook="(~t %s | ~f %s) !~c %s"
> And it still doesn't work. Here's what happens:
> I sent a message To: joe@something and Cc: bob@whatever, and the Fcc:
> field is set to =people/bob.lastname!
> According to my default_hook, it shouldn't match the Cc: field!
> BTW, I use fcc-save-hooks which looks like this:
> fcc-save-hook bob@whatever =people/bob.lastname
> fcc-save-hook joe@whatever =people/joe.lastname
> Can anyone help me fix this problem? It's really frustrating having to set
> the Fcc: field for almost every message I send! :-)
Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Personal Homepage <http://jsmoriss.mvlan.net/>; UNIX, Internet,
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