Hi all, what's your recommendation in order to have a neat, readable printout of a thread? It should - not contain irrelevant header lines ... can be done easily - not contain full quotes ... oops, this may be too much for mutt, to kill all those Outlook full quotes - not contain too many quotes ... a filter would be nice to print e.g. only the first two and last too lines of a quoted paragraph - skip signatures ... almost as difficult as full quotes? - show 8bit characters properly ... the simple print command is good for 7bit, but while terminal display is ok, the printer does not know about different character sets - use a nice print format ... piping this e.g. to a2ps helps a little - use a suitable, threaded order ... and at least this is done very well by mutt, regardless of subjects with Re^2:, AW: etc. What's your recommendation in order to obtain a readable printout for offline studies? Thanks Martin