* On 22 Aug 2001 13:22 CEST, Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel ?borg wrote:
> > So I figured I should ask on the mailinglist: How would I go about to
> > hide the FOLDER INTERNAL DATA message in mutt?
> mutt doesn't create this. uw imapd and pine both do, so my guess is
> that you're using one of these. if you're using pine (which doesn't
> really make sense sinec you said you use mutt) the answer is simple -
> choose the 'quell-folder-internal-message' option. however i'm not sure
> if there's a way to get rid of it with uw imapd.
> if you're not using either, i'm at a loss as to how the message is
> getting created. i highly doubt it's coming from mutt though.
Thanks for the reply.
It's not mutt which creates the message, it's fetchmail. I want the
message to be there and mutt /not to show/ the file when it reads the
mailbox. :-)
Daniel Åborg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>