On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 01:58:34AM -0500, Aaron Schrab wrote: : : The main problem with the normal sendmail config on there is that : sendmail doesn't like some of the permissions. This can be fixed by : adding with the following line in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf: : : O DontBlameSendmail=GroupWritableDirPathSafe OS X made the IMHO stupid decision to make / 775. The only reason AFAIK this was done was so that old Mac OS installer programs running in Classic mode within OS X could leave README docs and other miscellania in the root directory. -- Eugene Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Seraphim Larsen
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Thomas Roessler
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Eugene Lee
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Chris Wong
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Aaron Schrab
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Eugene Lee
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Suresh Ramasubramanian
- [OT] Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Eugene Lee
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Chris Wong
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Aaron Schrab
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Jean-Sebastien Morisset
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Seraphim Larsen
- Re: mutt porting to Max OS-X ? Eugene Lee