Aaron Schrab <mutt> [17/08/01 01:58 -0500]:
> The main problem with the normal sendmail config on there is that
> sendmail doesn't like some of the permissions.  This can be fixed by
> adding with the following line in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf:
> O DontBlameSendmail=GroupWritableDirPathSafe
 So it's true that / is world writeable in OSX?  Ouch.
> That will at least allow it to send some mail.  I haven't yet had a need
> for it to send any messages other than ones that various cron jobs send
> to me.  More config work may be required for more general use.

 A chmod or two (and avoiding the use of HFS - which might break compatiblity
 with older Mac OSen) might be a great idea before compiling any *nix stuff -
 esp sendmail - on OS X.

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