On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 10:46:36PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am a newbie and probably this is a FAQ. Would you excuse me and
> my poor english. I know Mutt is able to fetch mail from various POP
> accounts, without "fetchmail" but I don't know how modify my ".muttrc"
As far as I know mutt is able to fetch mail from one account only. This
is an optional feture. From mutt-manual:
'Note: The POP3 support is there only for convenience, and it's rather
limited. If you need more functionality you should consider using a
specialized program, such as fetchmail'
> file to do this. I added new lines for every accont with "set pop_host
> ******* set pop_port 110 set pop_pass ******** set pop_user *********"
> but Mutt reads mails only from last POP in the file. Can you help me?
> Thanks. Giuseppe.
If you really don't want to use fetchmail you can use folder-hooks.
folder-hook popmail1 'set pop_host popaccount1.net; set pop_port 110;
set pop_user popuser1; set pop_pass poppass1'
Do this for all pop accounts. To fetch mail from a different account
change folder. Mutt will automatyclly change pop_host and so on.
Lukasz Zamel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reg. Linux User: #202048
PGP: http://republika.pl/lzamel/pubkey.asc
I.O.U. one brain - GOD
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