on Thu,02 Aug 2001, David T-G wrote:

>I had long ago requested "prune" and "graft" functions to pull a
>subthread out of a thread, or to put a thread into another thread
>somewhere, but never got anything like it.  With the 'e'dit-message
>function, it's easy enough to pull the top message in the new thread out
>by deleting the references, but putting one back in has always been
>challenging; IIRC, I was unable to craft a good References: line while
>editing within mutt, but instead had to save the message to a temp file,
>whip up the line, and then dump it back onto the folder in order for mutt
>to not ignore my changes.  I'd love to know more about that, or have a
>prune/graft patch pointer :-)

Boy could I ever rant on this topic :-)

A "prune" and "graft" feature certainly has my vote and yes the "graft"
would be much more trickier. I've just rebuilt a simple thread manually
by saving messages as you've mentioned.  The References: line is a
sequential concatenation of all the prior ids on the their respective
Message-ID: lines.  Maybe a pair of external scripts bound to keys might
do the trick: one to extract and save the References: and Message-ID: lines
of the prior post and the another to pick them up, create a new References:
line and add it along with a In-Reply-To: line to current message.  There's
probably alot more to this though.

Of course, having this functionality integrated into mutt and ensuring
that it worked with tagged messages, when appropriate, would be really


   Although programming can be considered to be "applied thought", too
   much thinking can actually stand in the way of getting good code.
   - Kevlin Henney [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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