Thanks Thomas! That appears to have done the trick ;)
* Thomas Huemmler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010801 20:16]:
>Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 11:02:05 +0200
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Huemmler)
>Subject: Re: mutt/vim cursor positions
>Hi Kyle,
>* Kyle Knack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010801 05:46]:
>> line to just 'vim' and it started working as I expected ;) If any vim
>> junkies can clarify Chris' question, could you also clue me in as how to
>> count X lines from the top ? This way I can turn on edit_headers but
>> still have the cursor start where the text would. Thanks!
>The following should do, what you want:
>set editor="vim +'/^$'"
>More you can find in the help-files of vim, if you type in
>:help +
>:help pattern
>Thomas Hümmler * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
>REDAKTIONSBÜRO T.O.M. * Gsprait 1 * D-85560 Ebersberg
>Phone: +49 (0 80 92) 8 38 33 Fax: +49 (0 80 92) 8 38 34
>* am Kiosk: CHIP Linux-Spezial: Red Hat 7.1, CD-Brennen *
Kyle Knack