I don't think my original e-mail made it since I never saw it come back
over the list ;)  I have buily my muttrc based heavily on Chris Gushue's
muttrc files (which are excellent, I may add).  The problem I'm having
though is that when mutt calls vim to edit a message (new or reply), it
places the cursor right between the top of my sig (-- and name) and the
quote I have at the end.  This is rather annoying, but I'm not sure if
it's a mutt thing or a vim thing.  I can include my configs if anyone
doesn't happen to have run into this before.
On a side note, and this is definately vim related, I have defined a
color in my vimrc for message signatures, however with my sig, it colors
up to the "Kyle Knack" but not the quote.  Funny how it's similar to my
cursor problem.  Maybe I should just kill the quote ;)  Any help is
appreciated.  Thanks!


Kyle Knack

"Three o'clock in the afternoon is always just a little 
too late or a little too early for anything you want to do."
 -- Jean-Paul Sartre

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