On 2001-07-25 at 22:53:24, Greg Matheson warbled:
> There is a perl module called Mail::Folder that has subroutines
> for reading from mbox and maildir folders. You have to specify
> the number of the message in the folder.
> Another approach would be to write a vim function. You would have
> to divide up a mbox folder file on the basis of /^From / lines,
> for example.
Equally painful.
The only nice way I can think of for integrating this into mutt would be
to have an 'append quoted message to postponed message' function.
For example:
* When writing a reply, you realise you want to quote another mail too
* Postpone the reply, and go find the mail in question using mutt's mighty
searching features
* Hit 'append-quoted to postponed' key (you may need to select the
postponed message to append to, if you have more than one)
* Recall the postponed message and you find the required text, quoted,
at the bottom
Sorry, that was my code bloat detector going off.
"I installed a skylight in my apartment. The people who live
above me are furious." - Steven Wright
I prefer encrypted mail (see headers for PGP key)
Why encrypt? http://www.heureka.clara.net/sunrise/pgpwhy.htm
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