On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 03:05:58PM +0200, Jens Paulus muttered:
> Hello,
> about a week ago I was posting some questions. Only one of three have
> been replied to until now. That's why I decided to repost the unreplied
> ones again.
Try one subject per message. With Mutt's threading, it may make the
discussion easier.
> 1.) Editing an email with vim/mutt, I sometimes wish to insert/quote
> text from another email that I'm not currently replying to. I remember
> that there was such a function when I used pine some years ago. Pine's
> builtin editor pico ("pine composer") read the contents from an other
> email to the cursor position after hitting a special key combination and
> entering the index number of the email in the current folder. Do you
> know a way to do this with vim and mutt?
Don't now about vim/mutt, but you can run multiple instances of
mutt. Use grepm to select the message(s) from which you wish to
select. You may need to add the quote character yourself.
> 2.) I'm using vim and don't know too much of emacs. One thing I find
> very useful with vim is that if I want to wrap a very long quoted line
> with width greater than 80 characters and the line begins with the
> quotation character '> ', then I can hit gqap or gqip and I have the
> long line turned to a paragraph that has each line beginning with the
> quotation character '> ' and has width of 'textwidth' variable which is
> usually set to 72 characters. Do you know if there is such a function in
> emacs, too?
Yes. In Emacs, C-h v fill-column shows how to set the column number
for wrapping. Then M-q runs fill-paragraph. C-h f fill-paragraph for
You may want to look into text mode for serious editing. And don't
forget to run M-x ispell-region on your replies.
-- C^2
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