So sprach »Thomas Dickey« am 2001-07-19 19.07.2001 um 16:01:22 -0400 :
> cookies, multiple character-set support are the ones listed on w3m's webpage.

Hmm - how often do you get HTML mails that "feature" cookies? :)  And
about "multiple character-set support" - what's that?  I can read
German and English pages fine.  That's all the languages I speak.

But yes, cookies aren't that extremely well supported, that's right.
Anyhow, for textmode *browsing* (not paging!) I use links, because of
the awesome tables/frames/background download support.  Could you please
point me to a page that fails with links?

Oh - another shortcoming of w3m (IIRC) - page redirects with <meta> tags
also doesn't seem to work that well.

Alexander Skwar
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