Yes, I know this is a FAQ, but I am trying to see if I can use the
$display_filter variable now available in mutt 1.3 to filter out all the
HTML for display within mutt's builtin pager.

So far I have three pipes in the filter: the second is the unhtml
command and the third is "sed -e 's/ //g'" (since unhtml does not
remove those spacers), but the first is a problem; mutt will refuse to
display the message with a MIME type of text/html (of course) so my
first command is:
sed -e 's/Content-Type: text\/html/Content-Type: text\/plain/'

To change the MIME type.  This is definately doing something, since
adding this command to the chain causes mutt to not display anything at
all about the message, but I suspect that I might be breaking something
by changing the MIME type here.  Any ideas?


Ben Roberts

"Gather your wits and hold on fast/ Your mind must learn to roam"
        -- Gypsy Queen, "Tommy", The Who

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