On Mon, Jul 16, 2001, Chris Fuchs wrote:
> on Wed,11 Jul 2001, Mr. Wade wrote:
> > Anthony Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I would just like to find out if its possible in mutt to setup so that
> > > if you use a signature file, the signature is added to the top of the
> > > email, rather than the bottom of the email below the persons original
> > > email when replying.
> > >
> > > I have my signature set in my .muttrc as :
> > > set signature="~/signature" # file which contains my signature
> >
> > One solution would be to do something like this in your ~/.muttrc
> > file:
> >
> > set attribution="-- \nAnthony.\[EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\nOn %d, %n wrote:"
> > macro index r ":unset signature<enter><reply>" "reply to a message"
> *snip*
> >
> > Maybe something like this will effect what you're trying to
> > accomplish.
> Unfortunately this doesn't seem to make allowance for prepending a
> randomly generated signature file using a script. At least
> backtics only seem to work up to the first "\n". Suppose the
> attribution is this:
> set attribution="-- \n `<script>` \n\nOn %d, %n wrote:"
> And the script generates "Anthony\nGreen", then only
> "--\n Anthony \n\nOn %d, %n wrote:"
> shows up in the output... unless there is another way of doing
> this.
Yeah,... only the first line of output from the <script> in
>From the manual:
Note that since initialization files are line oriented,
only the first line of output from the Unix command will
be substituted.
Hrmm,... there's probably a way of getting the functionality you
desire, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Anyway, since the
whole idea tends to encourage top-replying, which is pretty
snoopy, I find the whole idea to be somewhat pointless and even
Linux: The Choice of the GNU Generation