On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 09:16:25PM +1000, Anthony Green wrote:
> Most, if not all email programs these days have you reply to a message
> *above* the email text that you have been sent and quote it in some
> form .. the >'s etc.
> So ... if the signature was appended at the top of the email it would
> appear directly under this text I am writing rather than all the way at
> the bottom. When you have a email with multiple replies or even more
> than 1 screen of info ..... the signature is lost at the bottom.

Actually, netiquette demands that you reply _below_ quoted text, in which case
the position of the signature is correct. See Sven Guckes page for more info:


Hope this helps,

-- Biju

Biju Chacko        | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)            
Exocore Consulting | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (play)
Bangalore, India   | http://www.exocore.com

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