On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 06:21:44PM +0530, Fox Mulder wrote:
> Now when i start mutt, i get only the spool. I have to do a c=foldrname to get
> to the folder. i expect this is normal. Is there some way in which i can get
> to know if any new messages are in the other folders without actually going
> into them? it so happens that i get most of the mail in the spool, and rerely
> check the other 2 folders since there is not very heavy traffic there.

check out 'set mailboxes=' in the manual

> also, is it possible to transfer a mail from 1 folder to another?

the default key-binding for that is 's'.

-- Biju

Biju Chacko        | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)            
Exocore Consulting | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (play)
Bangalore, India   | http://www.exocore.com

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