Ravi Rao <mutt-users> [14/07/01 07:40 -0700]:
> I rather love the way Supercite works inside Emacs so that you may
> quote a person's Email in a far more human-readable format, than regular ">
> or ":"s do. I was wondering if there existed a configuration for Supercite
> to run specifically over mutt or if there existed an alternative?
I guess you oughta read this list a little more, Ravi ... this was posted by
Jeff Kinzli some days back -
> The way I do it is with the following in .muttrc:
> macro index $ ':set indent_str="> "^M'
> macro pager $ ':set indent_str="> "^M'
> macro index % ":set indent_str='"
> macro pager % ":set indent_str='"
> Then, when in the pager or index, I hit "%" and then enter something
> like:
> DT> '