
        While I normally use VM/XEmacs on my powerful desktop workstation
for my Emailing, I also use mutt 1.3.18i *lots* over ssh, as I do mutt 1.2.x
on two separate machines.

        I rather love the way Supercite works inside Emacs so that you may
quote a person's Email in a far more human-readable format, than regular ">
or ":"s do. I was wondering if there existed a configuration for Supercite
to run specifically over mutt or if there existed an alternative? 

        I still prefer vim/mutt over ssh on remote machines to any other
combination, and VM/XEmacs on desktop ... 



P.S.: Please Cc me on replies, as I cant handle all the traffic on
mutt-users just now ... (and yes, I know procmail, and digests ...)
| Ravikant K. Rao         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Larval geek           http://www.bothan.net/~ravi/    F1E7DE29      | 

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