Louis LeBlanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on
> On 07/09/01 06:02 AM, darren chamberlain sat at the `puter and typed:
> > Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 07/09/2001:
> > > thanks for the responses about my first question. i have one other
> > > (possibly dumb) question that i haven't been able to figure out (point
> > > me to the appropriate faq if i'm missing something).
> > >
> > > is there any way to bind something to go to the next unread message in
> > > another folder (other than the default) -- (or is there a default
> > > binding for this)? it would seem that '<tab>' should do this, but it
> > > doesn't seem to.
> >
> > <tab> goes to the new new message.
> Only if the next new message is in the same folder. I believe that is
> what Will was asking. Matter of fact, I've been wondering if it was
> possible to just tell Mutt to jump to the next new message even if it
> is in another folder. I just haven't had the time to study the docs
> for this particular feature. My guess is it can't be done - but I
> would like to be proven wrong on that.
Someone a while ago posted a Pine-ish muttrc that had most (all?)
of Pine's binding converted to Muttrc-isms, and he posted it
specifically because someone asked about this
tab-across-mailboxes feature. You could probably search Google
for "+muttrc +pine" and get some results, like:
Good luck to whoever wants this.
M-x global-thermonuclear-warfare