Manuel Hendel [mutt-users] <14/06/01 20:16 +0200>: 
> when I use imap to get my mail, it is mostly impossible to filter my
> mails with something like procmail. Is there any way to get mail
> filtered an spread into different folders by mutt?
 If your IMAP server is cyrus, use the cyrus sieve.  If courier IMAP, use
 "deliver".  If uw-IMAPd, use procmail.  All three on the server side,
 unfortunately ...
 Alternatively, use fetchmail and download the stuff to your local drive


Suresh Ramasubramanian + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
mallet @ + Lumber Cartel of India, tinlcI
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin  

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