On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 01:28:04PM +0200, Dirk Laurie wrote: > I wish to send an e-mail to Bill Gates but can't remember under what > alias I've got him -- bg? billg? bgates? I know I can less my > alias file from another window -- but is there a way to locate an > alieas easily from mutt? You can hit <TAB> at the address prompts and mutt will bring up an alias menu from which you can select 'He of the Evil Empire'. I'm sure this is in the manual somewhere. Regards, Doug
- Is there such an alias? Dirk Laurie
- Re: Is there such an alias? Christoph Maurer
- Re: Is there such an alias? Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: Is there such an alias? Doug Kearns
- Re: Is there such an alias? Jason A. Fager