Am Die, 12 Jun 2001, schrieb Dirk Laurie:
> I wish to send an e-mail to Bill Gates but can't remember under what
> alias I've got him -- bg? billg? bgates? I know I can less my
> alias file from another window -- but is there a way to locate an
> alieas easily from mutt?
There are several ways to do that.
First the built-in one:
Start typing the address (don't care if it is correct), then hit
<TAB> and you'll get all your aliases and can search them similar to
the search method in vi by typing "/", then the searched expression
followed by <RETURN>.
Now the more comfortable one:
If you use lbdb with the muttalias module you can start typing the
address in the compose dialog and then hit <CTRL>-<T>, lbdb will
search your aliases for the fragment you have typed already.
Christoph Maurer - Paul-Röntgen-Straße 7 - D - 52072 Aachen
On my Homepage: SuSE 7.0 on an Acer Travelmate 508 T Notebook