Try putting this into your .procmailrc file, this fixes the mime types so
mutt can understand it.

## PGP Rules for Mutt.
  * !^Content-Type: message/
  * !^Content-Type: multipart/
  * !^Content-Type: application/pgp
          :0 fBw
          * ^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
          * ^-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
          | formail \
             -i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encrypt"

        :0 fBw
        * ^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        * ^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
        * ^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
        | formail \
            -i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign"

On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 06:18:55PM -0500, Frank Hahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:58:09 -0400, Lorin Winchester
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote:
> > ^K is supposed to extract a PGP/GPG public key from a message.  When I try
> > that, I get the following:
> > 
> > gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> > gpg: Total number processed: 0
> > Press any key to continue...
> > 
> > What do I need to do/change to sucessfully extract a public key?
> >
> I can shed some light on the above.
> I have been playing around by sending email messages back and forth
> between a Sun Sparc with Solaris 2.6 that has mutt v1.25i and gnupg
> 1.04 installed on it and a MS Windows 95 machine that has Eudora 3.0.6
> (free version) and PGP 6.5.3 (free version) installed on it.
> If I send a signed message with Eudora and do a Ctrl-K on it like you
> mentioned above, I get the same error.  If I send a signed message from
> Eudora and click on the "PGP MIME" button before I send it, then the
> Ctrl-K button works.
> When mutt displays the second message, I get the small case "s" next
> to the message.  In the first case, I do not.
> That's all the experimenting I have done.  I would guess that whoever
> is sending the messages is not doing it quite right or the email
> client is not doing something quite right.
> Hope that helps.
> -- 
> Frank Hahn
> Do infants have as much fun in infancy as adults do in adultery?

Chris S.
PGP 0x519E3777

PGP signature

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