On Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:58:09 -0400, Lorin Winchester
> ^K is supposed to extract a PGP/GPG public key from a message. When I try
> that, I get the following:
> gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
> gpg: Total number processed: 0
> Press any key to continue...
> What do I need to do/change to sucessfully extract a public key?
I can shed some light on the above.
I have been playing around by sending email messages back and forth
between a Sun Sparc with Solaris 2.6 that has mutt v1.25i and gnupg
1.04 installed on it and a MS Windows 95 machine that has Eudora 3.0.6
(free version) and PGP 6.5.3 (free version) installed on it.
If I send a signed message with Eudora and do a Ctrl-K on it like you
mentioned above, I get the same error. If I send a signed message from
Eudora and click on the "PGP MIME" button before I send it, then the
Ctrl-K button works.
When mutt displays the second message, I get the small case "s" next
to the message. In the first case, I do not.
That's all the experimenting I have done. I would guess that whoever
is sending the messages is not doing it quite right or the email
client is not doing something quite right.
Hope that helps.
Frank Hahn
Do infants have as much fun in infancy as adults do in adultery?