On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 11:04:10AM +0800, Greg Matheson wrote:
> On Sat, 26 May 2001, Tim Johnson wrote:
> > 1)Can I create an alias for a file path, such that when I save
> >   a message: I can type in something like $ARCH/vim-arch
> >   rather than ~/mail/arch/vim-arch
> You can create macros for the editor like:
> bind  editor  <delete> delete-char
> bind  editor  \CB      bol
> macro editor  '\L'    ~/Mail/z/l
> macro editor  '\T'    ~lang/Mail/t
> macro editor  '\P'    ~lang/Mail/p
> macro editor  '\S'    "Don\'t forward or cc email to penpals-partner"
> #bind editor  \Cq     complete-query
Thank you Greg:
        Sorry to seem so dense, but I am not clear on what key strokes the 
"escape sequences expand to" 
i.e. : \CB expands to ?
       '\L` expands to ?
I am on RH 6.0, I haven't found clarifications in the man pages.
Being pointed to documentation on this matter would be great!
  "My shroe, my shroe, my dingkom for a shroe!"
  --TheManWhoSpeaksInAnagrams (Monty Python)

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