> oddities. Meanwhile, Fetchmail, which actually exists to fit this role,
> works to actually address all these things, and if you want to pop mail to
> your machine from a remote account, something like this still makes the
> most sense to use. If you don't like Fetchmail, you can use one of the
> alternatives, or plug in your own. Why the heck should all those options
> be re-implemented in all the individual MUAs, when they are not based on
> reading mail, they are based on remote implementations and a transfer
> protocol?
I am sorry to contribute to this endless flamewar, but I may be
helpfull to you being actuall luser (actually, I am former lawyer, now
switching to study of social sciences). I really do not care whether
SMTP capability is included in mutt or not. However, what DO I care a
lot is an incredible pain in neck, which was to configure my MTA. I
haven't found (and I tried) utility which would make configuration of
sendmail easy (I have dial-up PPP conection to Internet without BIND).
After trying count of them, I found postfix, which was certainly more
simple than sendmail to be configured, but still it lages miles behind
ease of setting up an account with GUI mailers (I am not using them,
because KDE 2.0.1 on my only :-) 64 MB was slow as hell; when was
acronym EMACS expanded to "Eight Megabytes And Continually Swapping"?
Therefore, what I would like to find is not getting SMTP in mutt (OK, I
would love to have HTML mailing, but that's another story), but if
there would be some REALLY simple cookbook-style HOWTO about setting up
MTA over dial-up (or some WORKING utility to do it for me).
BTW, I have asked whether it is possible to receive delivery (reading)
notification with mutt & postfix and nobody answered. Would you,
Have a nice day and happy flaming