On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 12:50:58AM -0700, Luke Ravitch wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 08:30:22AM +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
> > Could it be that you're using emacs as your editor and post.el as the
> > mode to edit with?
> Indeed, I am. I take it Post mode is responsible for the trimming. Is
> there a rationale behind it or is it just a quirky...umm...feature?
It's a side effect of the setting of `post-signature-pattern' and how
`post-delete-quoted-signatures' uses it.
Dave Pearson: | mutt.octet.filter - autoview octet-streams
http://www.davep.org/ | mutt.vcard.filter - autoview simple vcards
Mutt: | muttrc2html - muttrc -> HTML utility
http://www.davep.org/mutt/ | muttrc.sl - Jed muttrc mode