On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 07:24:14AM -0600, Duke Normandin wrote:
> I want to have my replies look like the following example:
>  +------------------
>  | Hi
>  |
>  | Can anyone tell me the format to define a variable(for
>  | the CVS server) in the inetd.conf file?
>  +------------------

This will break software that uses the defacto standard "> " for
quoting. For example, I routinely use smart formatting in Jed to strip
the leading "> "s, reformat the long lines that someone sent, and
reinsert the "> "s, all with a single keystroke. It makes messages,
especially those with "orphans," much easier to read. Non-standard
quoting would break this feature which I use many times a day.

>From .muttrc:

  # Name: indent_string
  # Type: string
  # Default: "> "
  # Specifies the string to prepend to each line of text quoted in a
  # message to which you are replying.  You are strongly encouraged not to
  # change this value, as it tends to agitate the more fanatical netizens.



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