Using a large mallet, Duke Normandin whacked out:
> You are correct as per the SMTP protocol and the relevant RFCs. However
> it's my understanding from a very recent thread on the FreeBSD-questions
> list, that the SMTP 'fact-of-life' is that unless your IP/Doamin name
> resolve both ways, an increasing number of servers will refuse your mail.
Precisely. And this is sad. I would do this myself (reject mail from IPs with
no forward / reverse dns - _not_ forward and reverse mismatches like some do) -
but I'm in India - and run servers in India :)
Too many clueless ISPs around for me to play "the only guy who's got a clue" :(
> In the good old days, when the Internet was young, naive and not yet
> penetrated by scum-bags, <RCPT> & <FROM> was all that was used and
> needed.
> So, can you expand on your "Definitely not". I may be missing something
> here. later....
Right again - but even in the USA - the false positive rate in doing this is
going to be _very_ high. And I prefer to let some spam in (and block it later,
after the fact) rather than bouncing legit mail.
I find that using rbl + rss + dul (Along with an extensive access.db of local
spambags) works quite well for me.
Suresh Ramasubramanian + Lumber Cartel India - <tinlcI>
mallet @ + Wallopus Malletus Indigenensis
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin