On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 01:37:16PM -0500, Paul Cox wrote:
> On Friday, May 11, 2001, adam morley wrote:
> > ah, if mutts not putting in the > right, then MUTT is what is non-compliant,
>correct? i shouldn't have to make a vim macro to fix mutt's non-compliance?
> indent_string
> Type: string
> Default: "> "
> Specifies the string to prepend to each line of text quoted in a message
> to which you are replying. You are strongly encouraged not to change
> this value, as it tends to agitate the more fanatical netizens.
I've just been told that > > is non-standard though. which means we are distributing
a software package that is non-standard. is that bad?
> --
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