On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 10:49:50AM +0200, Masand, Manish wrote:

> actually i am getting a syntax error when i do a . .muttrc 
> /export/home/tks01 > . .muttrc
> ksh: syntax error: `(' unexpected

Why are you sourcing your mutt configuration file into your shell?

> ``set'' sig_dashes=yes

Why the quotes around set?

Dave Pearson:              | mutt.octet.filter - autoview octet-streams
http://www.davep.org/      | mutt.vcard.filter - autoview simple vcards
Mutt:                      | muttrc2html       - muttrc -> HTML utility
http://www.davep.org/mutt/ | muttrc.sl         - Jed muttrc mode

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