Hello Imre!

On Wed, 09 May 2001, Imre Vida wrote:

> I know this has been asked but i just can not get it right
> I looked up the mail archive for answers, consulted several
> documents incl. manual of mutt and Linux keyboard and consol HOWTO
> I have 
> LC_TYPE="de_DE.ISO-8859-1"
> in .bashrc
> (and tried all possible substrings also)

Here in my $HOME/.bashrc I use only

export LC_CTYPE="de_DE"

and it will be shown all in a correct form. Maybe you have to use the 
long name of the catalog but the name of the locale-variable (LC_TYPE) 
in your entry is incorrect. A 'C' before the capital 'T' isn't there.

bye - Wilhelm

   ._.   Wilhelm Wienemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  / _,\  
 | (_./  Debian GNU/Linux Version 2.2 Potato
  \,     To learn more visit => http://www.debian.org/ 

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