* On Wed May 09, Imre Vida wrote:
-> Hi,
-> I know this has been asked but i just can not get it right
-> I looked up the mail archive for answers, consulted several
-> documents incl. manual of mutt and Linux keyboard and consol HOWTO
-> ....
-> I have 
-> LC_TYPE="de_DE.ISO-8859-1"
-> in .bashrc
-> (and tried all possible substrings also)
-> and in .muttrc
-> set locale="de_DE"                   # locale to use for
-> set charset="ISO-8859-1"        # character set for your terminal
-> set send_charset="ISO-8859-1"   # character set for your terminal
-> set allow_8bit                  # never do Q-P encoding on legal 8-bit
-> If i look at the mails folders directly 
-> with from 'mc' or even 'cat' the chars are OK 
-> but 'mutt' but also 'less' are not able to show them
-> Why?
-> Thanks,
-> imre

Did you try configuring mutt with: 

--enable-locales-fix & --without-wc-funcs

It worked great for me here using spanish accented characters.
Give it a whirl.

Nelson D. Guerrero
Platinom.NET Dominicana - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - http://www.platinom.net/
Telecable Nacional      - [EMAIL PROTECTED]    - http://www.tcn.com.do/

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