HI Christian,
Using staroffice is a horror idea - at least to me...:-)). What do
you want to see in those emails? Mutt is an email client, very fast,
staroffice is *BIGGG* and *SLOOOOW*. I can imagine myself waiting
30-40 sec for some stupid email to come up...How can you survive?
Anyway, after the rant, some answers:
HTML mail: if you really want a graphical browser why do not use
konqeror in KDE or opera - these are small, fast and still very
capable browsers...
MSWORD: the way is to convert it to text: for this you need
wordview package (find it on the nearest linux mirror)
.muttrc": autoview application/msword
autoview application/rtf
.mailcap: application/msword; ~/wordview.sh %s; copiousoutput
The wordview.sh file is abit tricky: first one need to convert doc
to html, then get lynx or links to dump it to text and finally feed
it back to mutt...
What I did is a terrible hack I know, there is a more clever way
using pipes, but it just did not want to work for me.
So here is the script:
wvHtml --charset utf-8 $1 > ~/tmp/wordtempfile.html
links -dump ~/tmp/wordtempfile.html
rm -f ~/tmp/wordtempfile.html
Copy it to a text file, name it wordview.sh then
chmod a+x wordview.sh (this makes it executable)
put it somewhere in you path
wvHtml is the binary html converter in the wordview package.
links has to be at least v0.92, you can use lynx if you fancy that.
Do not forget to put the following in your .mime.types file:
application/msword doc dot
application/rtf rtf
Hope this helps... -- Viktor
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:46:03PM -0700, Dr. Christian Seberino wrote:
> I successfully got html attachments read automagically and
> thought I would be more ambitious and get StarOffice to read
> M$-Word attachments too...
> What is the analog of "auto_view text/html" in .muttrc
> and "text/html; lynx -dump %s ; copiousoutput" in .mailcap?
> (I tried "auto_view text/doc" but no go (doc is binary :( )
> I still love mutt,
> Chris
> --
> ===========================================================================
> Dr. Christian Seberino
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