On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 12:19:29PM -0700, Tracy R Reed wrote:
> There are a couple things that I wish mutt could do:
> 1. Build a hash index of all of the info displayed in the index so it doesn't
> have to scan every file in the maildir (or read the whole mbox for those using
> mbox) every time I open the folder as well as check for new emails and only
> read those once to get the info for the hash index. I've never seen a
> Unix/Linux based mailreader that actually does this.

This would be nice. I believe an early version of Netscape Mail did
this. Jamie Zawinski wrote it (and about it at http://doc/mailsum.html).

> 3. A faster and easier way to switch from one folder to another. Currently I
> hit
> c ? <j as many times as necessary to get to the next folder I want to read> \n
> It would be nice if I could just hit N to go to the next folder. There may be a
> way to do this with macros already but I'm not sure how one would get the next
> folder name. This wouldn't be all that useful until the above mentioned has
> index was working anyway due to the slow speed of parsing the folders.

Try c followed by <space> to cycle through all folders with new mail.
This only displays the folder name, and only those folders listed in the
"mailboxes" variable. It doesn't have to read the folder, so it's quick.


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