Joss Winn wrote:-
> Hello,
> I am trying to get Mutt working with Japanese and have got part of the
> way there but still no real joy....
> I have Japanese working on my SUSEPPC iMac and have set the character
> set in my muttrc to the appropriate Japanese charset. I am told that
> messages in Japanese that I send can be read fine, but if I send a
> message to myself, it is just a series of question marks when I view it
> in Mutt. If I set the charset to a western charset and send a japanese
> message, the recipient cannot read it but I can read such messages in Mutt.
> strange indeed. or am i the fool??
> any thoughts on this predicament would be gratefully recieved.
Interesting. What version of Mutt are you using? If I'm doing Japanese,
I use a bodged version of Kikutani-sans patches (which IIRC don't apply
cleanly any more even to the source distribution they're supposed to,
and don't appear to be being maintained).
If you're just using bog-standard mutt, I'm encouraged that it has come
some way to supporting Japanese by itself.