On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 11:36:59AM +0800, Horace G. Friend III wrote:
> If I may butt-in folks :), I tried setting the MAILPATH in
> ~/.bash_profile as in
> MAILPATH='/var/mail/hgf3:~/Mail/IN.mutt-users?"You have mutt mail."'
> but nothing happened. The ~/IN.mutt-users mailbox contains all new
> mails.
> Any comments/ideas on this?
bash is a little strange about this sometimes. You should also look at the
MAILCHECK variable. Mine is set for 60 seconds. What I have seen is that
this is not an immediate response. You have to have your session open
long enough for the mailcheck to take place, AND it displays only after
you do something (e.g. hit return, ls, whatever). It's not perfect, but
it's better than nothing.
David Rock
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